Once again, Animated Meat ventures into the underbelly of the city and pulls back the curtain on places you’ve wondered about but never bothered with. In this installment, Madame Tussaud’s Las Vegas.
Madame Tussaud’s bills itself as an interactive wax museum. What does that mean? It means that they have dropped the velvet rope and allow visitors to stand right next to the sculptures and take pictures. That’s pretty much it to the interactivity of the museum.
The quality of the sculptures is remarkable. Wax museums in my past have left me jaded. To Madame Tussaud’s credit, I never once wondered to myself, “Who is that supposed to be?”
Bring your camera, because this is a museum that you need to check all your coolness at the door in order to really enjoy. The museum is populated with celebrities both current and former and from all professions, just waiting for you to make a fool of yourself in front of.
I’ll give them a whole lot of credit for making a statue of Chuck Liddell.