What is it that causes men to run away to sea? For myself, it was to help celebrate a friend’s thirtieth birthday. There he is to the left. Happy birthday, Mandeep. Thanks for doing the heavy lifting and setting up this swell cruise across San Francisco Bay.
The night before we set sail across the San Francisco Bay, we were out to dinner with the Gervases; Mark, Samantha, and Bridgette. In a very superior way, I quoted Jack London. I said, “The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco”. And then I said, “Jack London said that.” That way everyone at the table would know I was one of those superior literary types that knows appropriate quotes for appropriate times.
“I always though Mark Twain said that,” remarked Samantha.
Holy cow. Had I been going around the better part of my life attributing the only quote I know to the wrong person? She had to be right. First, she teaches History. Not only teaches it, but actually has read the books they assign in school. Second, Mark Twain has always been known for his humor. Jack London? Not so much. Serves me right for going all about town, quoting and acting superior.
Either way, San Francisco is cold. And sailing across the bay is no different. If you do decide to partake in a morning cruise on a sloop, make sure to dress warm. Neptune is vengeful and will unleash cold upon those that doubt him.
Later on, while toiling away in my study, I looked up the quote in question to see if I could nail down the source. Remember, I want to sound superior. Superior people attribute their quotes to the correct sources. This is one way we are able to separate the wheat from the chaff.
It turns out that the quote is attributed to Mark Twain. However, he never actually said it.
So, gentle reader, I suggest that you go sailing across the San Francisco Bay. It will expand your horizons and will make you more aware of the world.
A big thanks goes out to Mandeep who did all the heavy lifting on this excursion. Despite the fact that he was the birthday boy, he charted this cruise so we could all help him celebrate.