The Jefferson County Fair is exactly that, a real county fair. It’s small to the point that it feels so intimate it almost seems as though we were invading someone’s family reunion.
The 4H is unbelievably active in Jefferson County. There were several buildings dedicated to displaying the work of local kids.
There were plenty fine examples of little kid art. I would like to one day put together a display in New York or Los Angeles to see what the art world would have to say about them.
Somehow, Mai and I always manage to end up at places that have goats.
One of the highlights of the Jefferson County Fair is something called an Elephant Ear. An Elephant Ear is a piece of rolled dough that is lovingly fried by a bunch of women with big bazooms. Then, they cover it in sugar. Not much to it, but it’s delicious.
They had a Johnny Cash tribute performer that was actually pretty good. We were lucky enough to have backstage seats.